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Company Executives may face criminal and civil penalties for inadvertent violations of Russian-Related Sanctions, regulations, and thousands of federal statutes and laws.

U.S. regulations and laws' key points abridged in a bullet-point format for quick comprehension and "Do" and "Don't" actions for regulation compliance 



法律/法規 不遵守的 潛在 後果



  • 高管的刑事指控,監禁條款和罰款


  • 巨大的人員時間成本+辯護律師費


  • 刑事指控和解後的經濟處罰


  • 失去品牌聲譽


  • 股票下跌和公司分手


  • 政府機構,投資者和消費者的訴訟

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